Morningside Center of Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organizers: Yiwen Ding, Yongquan Hu, and Liang Xiao
This mini-workshop series on p-adic local Langlands mainly focuses on the series works of Colmez{Dospenescu{Niziol on the étale cohomology of Drinfeld towers and p-adic period domains. This has deep relation to the p-adic local Langlands correspondence.
We meet twice a week for two 90-minutes lectures each day.
Workshop Schedule:
Dates & time | Speaker | Content | ZOOM |
7/29 2:30-4 pm | Liang Xiao | Talk 1: Summarize the main results. Summarize the main results of Colmez-Dospinescu-Niziol's series of papers [CDN1, CDN2, CDN3, CDHN]. Discuss the main techniques involved in each of the paper and improve- ments/adaptability along the development of these papers. | ID:466 356 2952 Password:mcm0729 |
7/29 4-5:30 pm | Liang Xiao | Talk 2: Summarize [CDN1]. Since we have already learned studied this paper before, we give a quick summary of the content as well as the proof of involved in this paper. | |
7/31 2:30-4 pm | Ruochuan Liu | Talk 3: Syntomic cohomology I. Following [CDN2, §3] to discuss syntomic cohomology (which is not too much dierent from usual rigid cohomology) | ID:466 356 2952 Password:mcm0731 |
7/31 4-5:30 pm | Yichao Tian | Talk 4: Syntomic cohomology II. Cover [CDN2, §4]. | |
8/5 2:30-4 pm | Haoran Wang | Talk 5: Pro-étale cohomology of Drinfeld half-space. Following [CDN2, §5] to compute the pro-étale cohomology of Drinfeld half-space. | ID:466 356 2952 Password:mcm0805 |
8/5 4-5:30 pm | Aditya Karnataki | Talk 6:étale cohomology of Drinfeld half-space. Following [CDN2, §6,7] to compute the étale cohomology of Drin-feld half-space. | |
8/7 2:30-4 pm | Longke Tang | Talk 7: Quick summary of Ainf-cohomology of Bhatt-Morrow-Scholze Cover [CDN3, §2,3], give an introduction to Ainf-cohomology. | ID:466 356 2952 Password:mcm0807 |
8/7 4-5:30 pm | Hui Gao | Talk 8: Ainf-cohomology of Drinfeld symmetric spaces. Cover [CDN3, §4,5]. | |
8/12 2:30-4 pm | Yiwen Ding | Talk 9: Representation theoretic background for generalized Steinberg representations Cover [CDHN, §2] | ID:466 356 2952 Password:mcm0812 |
8/12 4-5:30 pm | Xu Shen | Talk 10: p-adic period domains. Cover [CDHN, §3,4]. | |
8/14 2:30-4 pm | Liang Xiao | Talk 11: Geometry of the complements of period domains Cover [CDHN, §5 and Appendix] | ID:466 356 2952 Password:mcm0814 |
8/14 4-5:30 pm | Gabriel Dospinescu | Talk 12: Main results on the p-adic étale cohomology of period domains. Cover [CDHN, §6]. |
[CDN1] P. Colmez, G. Dospinescu, and W. Niziol, Cohomologie p-adique de la tour de Drinfeld: le cas de la dimension 1, J. AMS 33 (2020), 311|362.
[CDN2] P. Colmez, G. Dospinescu, and W. Niziol, Cohomology of p-adic Stein spaces, Invent. Math. 219 (2020), 873|985.
[CDN3] P. Colmez, G. Dospinescu, and W. Niziol, Integral p-adic étale cohomology of Drinfeld symmetric spaces, arXiv:1905.11495.
[CDHN] P. Colmez, G. Dospinescu, J. Hauseux, and W. Niziol, p-adic etale cohomology of period domains, arXiv:2001.06809.
0729-1-LiangXiao.rar 0729-2-LiangXiao.rar
0731-1-RuochuanLiu.rar 0731-2-YichaoTian.rar
0805-1-HaoranWang.rar 0805-2-AdityaKarnataki.rar
0807-1-LongkeTang.rar 0807-2-HuiGao.rar
0812-1-YiwenDing.rar 0812-2-XuShen.rar
0814-1-LiangXiao.rar 0814-2-Gabriel .rar