Title: On the characteristic cycle of a constructible sheaf on a surface (I)
Speaker: Dr. Haoyu Hu (Nankai & Paris 11)
Time: 2015-3-30, 14:30-16:30
Place: 610
Abstract: In these two talks, we continue the discussion on T. Saito’s recent work on characteristic cycles for l-adic sheaves. In this work, he constructed the characteristic cycle of a constructible sheaf on a surface in the cotangent bundle using Radon transform and the ramification theory. To give a Milnor type formula that expresses the total dimension of the nearby cycle of the sheaf as the intersection of the characteristic cycle and a section, a deformation method is needed. In this lecture, we briefly recall the Radon transform and the construction of characteristic cycles, and then, we focus on the usage of the deformation method.