Morningside Center of Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
[2016-6-28] Prof. Tonghai Yang: Modularity of arithmetical theta functions and Colmez conjecture
[2016-6-16] 张耀中: Fock-Bargmann correspondence and Hilbert spaces of analytic entire functions
[2016-6-13] Professor Daqing Wan: Arithmetic of function fields
[2016-6-13] 任秀敏: Hyper-Kloosterman sums of different moduli and applications
[2016-6-6] Prof. Qi-Man Shao: The Riemann Hypothesis and Stein's Method
[2016-6-8] Naoki Imai: Deligne-Lusztig construction for a pair of forms
[2016-6-8] Xu Shen: Local and global geometric structures of perfectoid Shimura varieties
[2016-6-3] Prof. Sheng-Chi Liu: The distribution of integral points on homogeneous varieties
[2016-6-2] Xin Zhang: Local-global Phenomenon in Circle Packings
[2016-6-1] Xin Zhang: Counting in Hyperbolic Lattices, with Applications to Sieve and Circle Methods
[2016-5-30] Xuan Xiao: Integral moment of automorphic L-functions