Morningside Center of Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
[2019-10-16] Prof. Weizhe Zheng: Artin's axioms for algebraic stacks
[2019-9-19] Prof. Herbert Koch: The nonlinear wave equation with additive white noise II
[2019-9-18] Prof. Herbert Koch: The nonlinear wave equation with additive white noise I
[2019-9-20] Prof. Ahmed Abbes: Local structure of almost-étale phi-modules
[2019-9-5] Takeshi Saito: Ramification groups of a local field (with Ahmed Abbes and Kazuya Kato)
[2019-9-4] Takeshi Saito: Characteristic cycle of an l-adic sheaf
[2019-9-6] Yoonjeong Yang: Complex surfaces of general type with K^2 = 3,4 and p_g = q = 0
[2019-9-4] Prof. Luc Illusie: Old and new on the de Rham-Witt complex II
[2019-8-28] Prof. Luc Illusie: Old and new on the de Rham-Witt complex I
[2019-8-9] 谷田川 友里: The characteristic cycle and ramification theory