Selmer groups and congruence ideals of symmetric powers of modular forms

Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang
2017-11-28 14:00-15:30

Hi, here is xiaoyu zhang's talk next Tuesday at 2pm:

Title: Selmer groups and congruence ideals of symmetric powers of modular forms


       Abstract: Congruence ideals are often used in Iwasawa theory, especially in proving the divisibility of p-adic L-functions by the characteristic elements of Selmer groups. Let f be a non-CM elliptic modular form ordinary at a fixed odd prime p satisfying some technical conditions. In this talk, we will concentrate on the twisted even symmetric powers r of the p-adic Galois representation associated to f. I will describe a formula relating the characteristic power series of the Selmer group of r and the congruence ideal given by certain Langlands functorialities for each layer in the p-cyclotomic extension of Q.