On the moduli part of adjunction

Prof. Florin Ambro
2024-06-12 10:30-11:30

Speaker: Prof. Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy)

Time: 10:30-11:30  June 12, 2024 (Wednesday)
Venue: MCM510
Title: On the moduli part of adjunction
Abstract: Kodaira's canonical bundle formula applies to fibrations with general fiber of Kodaira dimension zero. I will present a generalization of this formula to the case when the Kodaira dimension of the general fiber is non-negative, due to Shokurov (part of it conjectural). We show in the end that the moduli part is semipositive, modulo standard conjectures. Based on joint work with Cascini, Shokurov, Spicer.