Cousins of relative Donaldson-Thomas theory in dimension 4

Prof. Gufang Zhao
2024-08-28 10:40-11:40

Speaker: Prof. Gufang Zhao (University of Melbourne) 
Time: 10:40-11:40  August 282024 (Wednesday)
Venue: MCM410
Title: Cousins of relative Donaldson-Thomas theory in dimension 4 
Abstract: The goal of this talk is to give a few examples of moduli spaces originated from relative Donaldson-Thomas theory in dimension 4. Attempts in finding numerical invariants via these moduli spaces lead to a question of functoriality of the cohomology or K-theory of these moduli spaces. Invariants arising from the functoriality in examples will be given. The original parts of the talk are based on a project joint with Yalong Cao, and partially with Zijun Zhou.