Quantitative regularity for the Navier-Stokes Equations and its application

Prof. Baishun Lai
2024-10-16 15:00-16:00

Speaker: Prof. Baishun Lai (Hunan Normal University)
Time: 15:00-16:00  October 16, 2024 (Wednesday)
Venue: Online (Zoom ID: 3329836068   Password: mcm1234)
Title: Quantitative regularity for the Navier-Stokes Equations and its application
Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce the localized argument in frequency space given by Terence Tao, and its application to quantitative regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations via Carleman inequalities. As another application, the quantitative regularity for MHD system is established. Some technical innovations are required beacause the scale is different between the magnetic field and the vorticity field. This is joint work with Shihao zhang.