Conditional and Unconditional local well-posedness problem for dispersive equation with low regularity posed on half line

Prof. Shenghao Li
2024-11-02 10:00-11:00

Speaker: Prof. Shenghao Li (Univ of Electronic Science & Technology of China)
Time: 10:00-11:00  November 2, 2024 (Saturday)
Venue: MCM110
Title: Conditional and Unconditional local well-posedness problem for dispersive equation with low regularity posed on half line
Abstract: We first consider the conditional local well-posedness problem for initial boundary value problem for dispersive equation via the boundary integral operator method which was developed by Bona-Sun-Zhang. In this talk, we will use the nonlinear Schrodinger equation as an example to introduce the idea of the approach and the main difficulties under the framework of Bourgain type spaces. Then, due to uniqueness issue raised by the problem, we will introduce a general idea to show the unconditional well-posedness. This is a joint work with Xin Yang.