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    On Slopes of Mordular Forms

    Prof. Liang Xiao(Peking University)

    16:30-17:30 / MCM110

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    Artin's axioms for algebraic stacks

    Prof. Weizhe Zheng(MCM)

    9:00-11:00 / MCM110

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    Herr complex and families of extensions

    Yiwen Ding(Peking University)

    11:15-12:15 / MCM110

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    Old and new on the de Rham-Witt complex IV. Liftings mod $p^2$ and the Nygaard filtration II

    Prof. Luc Illusie(Université Paris-Sud)

    11:00—12:00 / N202

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    Local structure of almost-étale phi-modules

    Prof. Ahmed Abbes(CNRS, IHéS)

    14:30—15:30 / N202