Morningside Center of Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
[2019-6-5] Shin Hattori: Duality of Drinfeld Modules and P-adic Properties of Drinfeld Modular Forms
[2019-5-31] Prof. Kai-Wen Lan: Closed immersions of toroidal compactifications of Shimura varieties
[2019-5-27] Yangyu Fan: BDP p-adic Lfunction for non-split primes
[2019-3-26] Sarah Zerbes: Euler systems and p-adic L-functions for GSp(4)
[2019-3-14] Eric Urban: Eisenstein congruences and Euler systems I & II
[2019-3-12] David Loeffler & Sarah Zerbes: Euler systems III & IV