Morningside Center of Mathematics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
[2018-11-23] Dr. Guozhen Wang: Goodwillie calculus and unstable finite exponent phenomenon
[2018-11-16] Prof. Guoyi Xu: Gradient estimate of harmonic function and eigenfunctions
[2018-11-15] Dr. Hao Zhang: The p-adic Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky Hypergeometric system
[2018-11-14] Shuji Saito: A motivic construction of ramification filtrations
[2018-11-8] Dr. Alexandre Pyvovarov: Some new cases of the Breuil-Schneider conjecture
[2018-11-1] Dr. Bingyu Xia: Hilbert scheme of twisted cubics as simple wall-crossings
[2018-10-19] Dr. Eugenia Rosu: Special cycles on GSpin Shimura varieties
[2018-10-19] Alex Carney: The arithmetic Hodge-index theorem and dynamical systems
[2018-10-18] Dr. Jie Liu: Quasi-polarized Calabi-Yau threefolds
[2018-10-17] Prof. Komatsu Takao: Bernoulli-Carlitz numbers and related numbers