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    Slopes of modular forms

    Dr. Bin Zhao(MCM)

    15:30-16:30 / N817

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    Gradient estimate of harmonic function and eigenfunctions

    Prof. Guoyi Xu(Tsinghua University)

    11:00-12:00 / N913

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    The p-adic Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky Hypergeometric system

    Dr. Hao Zhang(MCM)

    15:30-16:30 / N817

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    A motivic construction of ramification filtrations

    Shuji Saito(University of Tokyo)

    17:00-18:00 / N913

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    Some new cases of the Breuil-Schneider conjecture

    Dr. Alexandre Pyvovarov(MCM)

    15:30-16:30 / N817

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    Hilbert scheme of twisted cubics as simple wall-crossings

    Dr. Bingyu Xia(MCM)

    15:30-16:30 / N817