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    Periods, arithmetic, and invariant theory

    Prof. 黄岸(Brandeis University)

    14:15-15:15 / N913

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    Lie algebra cohomology and the Kostant Theorem I

    Weibo Fu(Princeton Univ.)

    10:00-11:30 / N818

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    Siegel-Weil and Arithmetic Seigel-Weil formulaAbstract

    Prof. Tonghai Yang(University of Wisconsin–Madison)

    14:30-16:30 / N818

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    Ihara's Lemma for Shimura Curves

    Chuangxun Cheng(Nanjing Univ.)

    14:00-15:30 / N818

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    General Motivic Cohomology

    杨南君(Grenoble University)

    16:00-17:00 / N913