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    Motives for an elliptic curve

    曹晋(Tsinghua University)

    14:45-15:45 / N913

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    Relative cohomology and A-hypergeometric equations

    张鼎新(Brandais University)

    13:30—14:30 / N913

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    Wave turbulence for the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation

    Prof. Jalal Shatah (美国科学与艺术院士)(Courant Institute of New York University)

    16:20-17:20 / N820

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    Wave turbulence for the Nonlinear Schr?dinger equation

    Prof. Jalal Shatah (美国科学与艺术院士)(Courant Institute of New York University)

    16:20-17:20 / N820

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    Integral models of Shimura varieties and examples

    Dr. Yihang Zhu(Columbia Univ.)

    16:30-17:30 / N818

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    Local rigidity of formal tori

    Prof. Ying Zong(Shantou Univ.)

    16:30-17:30 / N818