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    Cohomology of arithmetic groups

    Robin Zhang(Columbia Univ.)

    16:30-17:30 / N818

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    Fourier-Jacobi cycles and derivatives of L-functions II

    Prof. Yifeng Liu(Yale University)

    15:00-16:30 / N818

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    Fourier-Jacobi cycles and derivatives of L-functions I

    Prof. Yifeng Liu(Yale University)

    15:00-16:30 / N818

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    Lie algebra cohomology and the Kostant Theorem II

    Weibo Fu(Princeton Univ.)

    10:00-11:30 / N818

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    Around the p-adic Gross—Zagier formula

    Dr. Daniel Disegni(Université Paris-Sud)

    14:30-16:30 / N818

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